Wednesday, March 19, 2025

2 X 3 to Death Valley....sort of

It has been so long since we've been on a ride so we invite the couples to go with us to Death Valley.

We  originally planned to stay in Tonopah the first night but the temperatures forecast were so cold there we decided to go to Moapa instead. 

When we depart West Valley City it is snowing, so overheating was not an issue.  But no problem we all survived the 6 hour ride and arrived in Moapa around dinner time. 

And for dinner we went across the street from our hotel to this place, La Fonda which was very good both the meal and the service.

The next day we are on our way to Death Valley via the Lake Mead entrance then the Valley of Fire State Park. 
Unfortunately while on the way there  one of the bikes developed a slight problem. To address the problem we needed to go into Las Vegas, so Death valley was put on hold indefinitely.

The problem was soon solved - nooo.....actually it was not soon and it was not solved. 

After spending a few hours in Vegas (shopping, visiting the Carrel Shelby Museum, etc) the rest of the group rode on to Pahrump where our next reservations were at. The limping bike was still limping....not withstanding the obscene "repair" bill....or rather "Non-Repair" bill.  Lucky for bike owner though, there was an independent shop in Pahrump that fixed the problem quickly and cheaply - neither of those two things were accomplished by the Vegas shop with their factory trained techs.

While they were doing that I rode to the Las Vegas speedway where my nephew's son was racing. I got there just in time to watch his last race. 

Jan and Kenny, on the black tri glide gave me this monkey with the bandage on its knee when I had my knee surgery. It was too cute not to do something with, so I made a helmet out of a ball and seat belted him on the back of my bike.

As we were going through valley of fire, the group decided to hike up to some petroglyphs. I decided to hold down a picnic table instead.

Ron and Ken take a break.

Beverly, Wendy, Jan.

The Carroll Shelby museum.  Well worth the time!

We stayed at the Saddle West hotel , a place that I have stayed at numerous times over the last few years. Our three wives checked in while the guys were taking care of the bikes. The counter ladies were so rude to one of the wives that I've crossed them off as a place to stay in Pahrump. There are plenty of other hotels to choose from.

After check in and after I arrived from the races with had a super meal and discussed the next days ride - which would be the first of two days ride home. Route and details decided on we all retired for the night.

The route was mostly a reverse from the day before, the lake shore road from Henderson to Moapa.
At Moapa Bev and I left the others to return to Vegas for a wedding, the others continued on to Cedar City, Utah and home the next day.

The Ceremony and dinner were both very nice and enjoyable. Both Beverly and I were so happy that we could be there for the event.

Biker buddy Howard and his bride, Tina

And the next morning it was our turn to start the ride home. Unfortunately, the weather forecast on my route called for high winds and snow.  The high winds were.....high.....and the snow was......snowy.  By the time I got to Scipio, Utah I was cccccold! Another hotel night and home the next morning!
And that's it! Yet another SUPER ride, made even better by having good friends ....along for the ride! (See what I did there?)
No we didn't get into Death Valley, but that only resulted in us all agreeing that we will have to do this ride again! 
Motorcycles are excellent fun!

Thanks for visiting and reading!!


Tuesday, November 26, 2024

A cold ride Southern Utah, Las Vegas

This past 10 months have been difficult.... numerous medical issues nose to tail caused me to miss nearly an entire summer of riding....and now, well I'm feeling good enough to venture out in the world. 

I was able to do a very few rides over the last year but nothing like I had plans for. So anyway, here it is November and I think it is time to brush the cobwebs off my mind and one of the bikes and stir the oil!

It will be a cold ride so the Wing gets the nod as it has much better wind protection, plus heated seat and grips. I'm riding south to St George, then Vegas, and back home again.  8 days in the southern clime.

As always, when it is a cold ride I tend to leave the camera buried. so I only have a few pics...

Temps in Death Valley, Furnance Creek

Near the Visitor Center

The ubiquitous road construction. It looked like to me that a flood had washed out the road. This was one of two  sites within a short distance that were being worked on. I would much rather wait for some construction crew to clear the road, than to try to get the Wing through the deep sand I saw on a few parts of the road.

And that's it. I made it home tired but somewhat happy... All in all it was a good trip!
I hope anyone reading this has a very nice 2024 Thanksgiving, a Merry Christmas, and of course an Extrememly Happy New Year!!!
Life is good!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Rancho Vistoso experience

Rancho Vistoso, is in Oro Valley, Arizona. Bev and I decide to spend a few days there and .......'just like that' ......after two days of riding in the rain we arrive!
Beverly, of course, is in the car and I rode.
Rancho Vistoso (RV) is about 800 miles from home.

Dark skies dogged us for two days, but still it was two days on a bike! Win!!
More dark skies and some HARD RAIN as we motored across the reservation.

A small section of the grounds of Rancho Vistoso. I've stayed at RV at least 6 times and the place is always immaculate!
Looking out the front door.
Looking off the deck.
When I stay at RV its fun to sit on the deck at night and "talk" to the coyotes. There are a LOT there and once you get them yipping it can go on for a several minutes.
And a corner of the activities center.
(corn hole)

We take a walk and I get this picture.....

Then I ask Beverly to be in the pic....
Haha...its decoration in our room!

The US60. The road from Show Low to Globe. A fantastic road!

Butch Cassidy, the Sundance kid, Tombstone, and three other bad dudes!
(in Hanksville)
We stay at the Muddy Miners Cabins - and Highly recommend it! 
On our way home we change our plan at the last second and get a cabin at this place - The Muddy Miner (or at least close to that)

Southern Utah is absolutely the most beautiful place in the world!

Aaaaand its time to go home.....
As a kid,  when we traveled anywhere when we turned into our long driveway my mother would invariably say, 'travel east travel west, after all home is best'. 
It took me years of growing up before I understood her meaning. 

Bev shoots some photos from the WRX

Life is a roller coaster sometimes!

From the parking lot of Capital Reef NP

The colors are juuuust starting to change in parts of So Utah

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Trike time....Yikes, there's trikes!

Our annual couples ride has arrived! Well, not really, but close enough. Kenny picked up a new HD trike and hasn't exercised it enough.  Rooster wadded up his Wing so needed a new machine, enter that beautiful Spyder in the foreground. The Spyder needs to have some break-in miles so we are forced.....FORCED to go on a trip!
(The actual "couples ride" will happen in 2 weeks.)

So Rooster sets up a ride to Manila, Utah and then over to Lava Hot Springs, Idaho.

On our way we pass this veterans op!
(I can't remember the name of the town)

Sunrise in Manila.

After dinner and a very nice visit with mutual friends that live in Manila we hit the road for Lava....but first making a stop in Montpelier, Idaho to see the Butch Cassidy museum. Kenny's family had some connectons to Butch back in the day, so this is more significant than normal.
Three scoflaws! Rooster, Butch (Kenny), and your's truly.
We're smiling because we just robbed the bank! LOL

We see some old friends outside the museum after dividing the loot we make tracks to outrun the posse!

Posse successfully evaded we spend the night in Lava...and are treated to an incredible lightening, thunder, rain storm during the night.

Frivolity in the museum. ;)

And another great trip is in the books! 
We were able to put 684 break-in miles on the new Trike and Spyder. 
Had an incredibly nice visit with some old friends. Treated ourselves to too many great meals! And even avoided the heavy rains that happened all around us! Very VERY good times - Simply put, 
A WONDERFUL way to spend the weekend!

"Death is a scary, but not living before death comes calling is terrifying! 

 Life is exceptionally fine!
p.s.  thanks to everyone for the photos.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Cache Gathering 2024 (the last one?)

This will be the last Cache Gathering.

It's very sad to see this day come, but it was inevitable. Most of the 'regular' attendees seem to be giving up riding. Old age or health problems seem to get us all down at least some of the time.

Anyway, this year the Grand Pooh Bah is Len (again...I think this is his third year running the show).

Spearfish or bust this year the gathering is being held at the KOA in Spearfish.

I leave early on a Sunday morning and take i-80 East to expedite getting out of town. This is echo reservoir last year and last several years it was just a mud bog and now it's full to the top! 

I make my Way North to Grand Teton national Park where I got the National Park stamp then continued North to Dubois Wyoming where I stay for the night.

And the next day was a windy 400 miles to the KOA in Spearfish where I find the other attendees had already arrived.

Most KOAs are reasonably nice, you know what you're going to get when you stay at a KOA.

 But the Spearfish KOA stands out in a positive way, it was so clean and the staff was very friendly, which made it an extra nice place to stay. Another thing is they had an all you can eat for $5 ice cream social hour that was awesome I went twice.

We took some nice rides I didn't take a whole lot of pictures, 

Don says he is always being asked 'if he's been to Sturgis'.... I think that is one of the most common questions that motorcyclists get asked. Anyway he wants to take a short ride over to the town of Sturgis so he can answer....."Yes".
and here we go;
Don at the Sturgis museum
And one of the whole group after dinner.

Far right is Chad he trucked his Suzuki 400 from Minnesota and did a couple of days on the backcountry bdr trail. Don, far left, rode from Spokane. Len and his wife Karen came from Las Vegas.

The Cache rally originated from a "motorcycle cache" that was started on the East Coast and brought out West and ended up going all over North south and Central America being carried by several different riders. 

The object was, each rider hands the cache to another rider  and off it goes on another trip. You hand the cache from rider to rider The purpose other than just an excuse to get out and ride was meet new people and ride with them.  

Sadly some riders tended to drop the ball and didn't take it very seriously. Several let the cache sit extended periods of time or even lost the cache. Not everybody enjoyed the cache game, but there are others like myself who really enjoyed the interaction with other riders and carrying the cache around and keep it moving. It has been lost a couple of times and restarted  but now it seems many riders have lost interest so we're going to let the cache rally and the Cache die an honorable death.

A week of good times at this year's gathering and then this gathering came to an end. We all bid our goodbyes and go off in different directions.
Two nights later I end up in Lewistown, Montana. Tomorrow I'll go thru Yellowstone, get that stamp and then head for the barn.

I passed this place on the way to Roosevelt NP. I've heard of pet cemeteries but buffalo cemeteries??

Lewistown, Montana 

So this is likely the last blog post about the Cache Gathering.
It was fun mostly because of seeing friends every year, and hopefully we can continue to do that.

St George, Utah is up next for a family outing then Arizona to get some more park stamps

Ride safe, thanks for visiting!
¡la vida es buena!