The Utah VROC (Vulcan Riders Owners Club) threw a rally in Torrey Utah last weekend (July 15 - 17). It sounded like a good excuse for a ride, so Beverly and I attended.
On our way we get a photo of the Manti LDS Temple.

Just south of Manti: a lake, a beautiful sky, and a four wheeler on the highway! Life is good!

Drilling for something.

The hills just outside of Torrey.

On the main road through Torrey.

Torrey's big store.

.......and we make it to the rally.

There wasn't a huge number of attendees at the first annual UT VROC Rally, but the organizers, Jason (Mellow) and Dave (Hazy) did a bang up job! When the word gets out how much fun we had I expect next years rally numbers to at least double.

Some of the bikes...

Hazy (L) and Mellow (R) demonstrating why responsible drinking means not having a permanant marker in your possession.

Camera play time.

Special lighting on two of the bikes (Troy and Sonya's)

More camera play time.

The moon is high and so am I, the stars are out and so will I be pretty soon......."

Saturday morning, and not one of the bikes had a hangover, but somebodies rum ended up in the wrong did THAT happen?

On our way for the Saturday ride. We will go east on SR 24, then south on SR 95 to Halls crossing, take the ferry across Lake Powell, then reverse our route back to Torrey.

There was a bicycle race on SR 24.