Andrew Rogers, famous sculptor and resident of Austrailia, picked Green River, Utah for one of his lastest works, The Golden Ratio. This is one of three GR sculptures in the world. It is based on ...the Golden Ratio and the Fibonacci sequence.
My daughter called a couple of days ago and told me about this recently finished project. She suggested we ride over and see it when the weather gets warmer, and we will. In the meantime I wanted to go see it and find out exactly where it is.
Lots of time on Google finally produced these directions, "Southwest of the Amtrack station, between the station and I - 70". So off I go, Google also tells me that the Amtrack station is 181 miles from my home.

Since I lack an exact address of the sculpture, I hope there are signs, or arrows, or even an "X marks the spot" that I can follow....

Going over Soldier Summit was the coldest part of the ride but it's over (until I return home) as I descend into Helper, Utah.

Past Helper, just as I'm entering Price City, my odometer reads this number....strange...

It turns out I didn't need directions after all. As soon as I get within a mile or two of the town I can see the Golden Ratio Sculpture standing guard over Green River. Here it is from the Chevron station.

Standing in the same place, with the lens poking out a little farther..

I wander through town looking for the arrows, signs, or X marks the spots that will lead me closer to the site. But alas, no such luck.

I get a little closer shot, but still can't find the elusive access road.

I've stopped and asked two locals for directions, but neither can help telling me they haven't been to see it yet.

I ask a third person, a railroad employee, and he gives me clear instructions on how to get there!

Looking up at the top block.

Ok, mission accomplished, I'm on my way home. But on my way out of town I see this; Who you gonna call?

On the road again...

Other than going over Solider Summit, the day was pretty warm, I didn't even put on my electric gear.
361 miles total, 223 miles on secondary roads, 137 miles in canyons, 85 miles in the Diamond lane, 52 super slab miles (each way) $32 for gas, $20.00 for snacks and lunch, 12 pictures of the Golden Ratio, 7.25 hours to make the trip, 5 U turns to find the site, 2 legs of the trip, there and back, and 1 great day on the bike!