What's a burger run? Mike, aka Vegashotwheeler (and lives in Las Vegas, Nevada) me (West Valley City, Utah) and any friends who want to join us, meet at Hoovers Grill (Marysvale, Utah) for a burger and BS session. We've been doing this for quite a while now; a burger run combines three of our favorite things; a nice ride, a nice burger, and a nice visit with good people.
Mike suggested October 8th for the last burger run of 2011. He and I had been trying to line up our schedules for some time and finally hit a day we were both free. We knew we might have some weather problems, but pushed forward anyway. Sure enough it was a rainy day...at least in Utah, in Vegas it was 73 and sunny!
The Vegas guys have to start on the ride at 5:30am. I can start around 9:00 and make it in time. Adrian from Layton is coming on this ride, he and I meet at a gas station near Lehi and hit the road.

We saw these near the Big Rock Candy Mountain. I'm not really a railroad train guy, I never had a train set or railroad collection, but I have to say I do enjoy seeing a well built caboose! I'm endlessly facinated by the caboose, and can spend a lot of time checking out the different sizes and shapes, so it was fun to see this place.

This project is still under construction. I don't know who is doing it, what their plan is or how it will look when finished, butt I'll be checking it out next time I'm in the area! I didn't get any closer or take a lot of pictures as some people get a little edgy when you spend too much time admiring their caboose.
A few miles down the road is our goal, Hoovers grill.

Adrian and I get here first so we patiently wait for the others, we were only about half way through our burgers when the Vegas guys arrived....

My lunch, a 'Shroom-Bacon burger with the house fries. It's not on the menu, you have to ask for it.

The bike line up.

Meet Mike (left) and Jerry (black shirt). They may look like a couple of hairy old bikers, but they are actually two of Santa's elves...yes you read that right! Mike and Jerry carried a bunch of Hotwheel motorcycles on this burger run and gave them to me for my "Festival of Trees" tree. You can see the motorcycles in the last picture. What a couple of Steller guys!

Thanks Mike, Jerry and Adrian for donating items for the tree! And thanks for another great burger run.