So, Saturday morning I met Jared, Quin, Jason and David in Salt Lake and we set out for Pendleton Oregon. What, you say?!? Pendleton is not on the way to Crecent City? And you are right, we are taking the 'Biker's shortcut'! David had Saturday obligations so he would only ride with us for a short time. I had decided I would only stay with the group for two days and then go on my own way to my obligations.
L to R: Jared, Quin, Jason, Me. Where was Jared hurrying off to you ask?
Looking out from our hotel's (second level, very shaky) parking lot.
Pendleton streets.
The next morning, on our way to visit Mt Saint Helens.
We need to cross this bridge, and go into Washington.
Carson, Washinton, We'll go north from here, make a stop in Randle for lunch, then to the Mt Saint Helens site.
On the road to the site. The devastion from the May 18, 1980 eruption is incredible!