We get ready to leave Monday morning August 8th.
Kenny and Jan on the black HD (Jan injured her back the week before the trip so she will be following in their SUV), Rooster and Wendy on the Wing, Brent and Julie on the gold and black HD, and Beverly and I on our Nomad.
Then past Bear Lake and into Idaho where we stop in Fish Haven Idaho for a delicious sandwich at Gladys Place.
Our tour guide tells us this is still an active meeting house. Weddings, funerals, and some church meetings are held in this Latter-day Saint building.
The back of the Tabernacle.
Brent and Julie have been married for over 30 years and they still act like a couple of kids in love....how weird is that?
The local rag is right across the street.
We arrive in Montepeiler Idaho.
We quickly get our Bear-ings..... (click on the pic) and head across town where we will go north on U.S. 89
I think I'd rather sit on a bench held up by a cowgirl than one held up by bears...better yet, one held up by a bare cowgirl...
Lovely day. No lights or sirens. :) Too many bears roaming around. Off to read day 2.
Thanks! :)
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