For a nice relaxed Sunday ride what could be better than a Royal Enfield Bullet 500 Electra Deluxe? The Bullet inspires images of jacket, tie, and beret clad riders off on a Sunday ride out to the country side, stopping at a green meadow for a picnic and tea.
Monday's ride; start the work day week off right on a sassy Triumph Scrambler.

Tuesday take a ride on a sexy looking, very sexy sounding Benelli Tre - K. The Benelli has a triple, if you search you tube, "Benelli TreK test" you will hear and see what I mean......

Tuesday take a ride on a sexy looking, very sexy sounding Benelli Tre - K. The Benelli has a triple, if you search you tube, "Benelli TreK test" you will hear and see what I mean......

Wednesday, another beautiful Italian with a LoveLy set of twins, the Multistrada 1200 S

Wednesday yet another sweet Italian is in store for the spoiled rider. Can you see the pattern here? The Moto Guzzi Norge, a good looking bike, with a sweet sounding V but the Goose has the engine mounted cross-ways with its jugs sticking out on each side.
Friday has to be the V-Strom, a bike that is actually in my garage. Since I've owned two Suzuki V-Stroms, and I absolutely love the Strom I would be remiss to not include it in my stable. The V-TWIN engine, and the comfortable ride make this bike a winner! I've put a combined 98,000 miles on the stroms and have no real complaints. It will be a sad day when this bike leaves me...........

Thanks for reading! :)
Great bikes. Pretty good list you have there.
I debating putting a Royal Enfield in my seven as well. I think my list would change weekly though depending on mood.
Excellen choice I think, well done.
Trobairitz - For certain some of the others might change on any given day, but for me I would keep the Bullet on my list. I love that look!
Raftnn - Thanks! Now to win the lottery so I can buy them...
Nice collection. I had briefly considered the Enfield too but, there were only seven days in a week...
Sonja - "A month of motorcyles"? :)
Nice choices. It is a difficult choice for me.
motoroz - Thanks, and thanks for reading!
Dear Ken:
For the exception of two, I thiink you'll need to have a cot in the garage for the mechanic too.
Great choice of bikes though.
Fondest regards,
Twisted Roads
Jack - I agree. It's fun to think about but then the reality of the cost of valve adjustments just for the desmo alone makes me a little ill. Ahhh well........
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