Sunday, August 8, 2021


So...I'm turning 65 this month (July).

In the months leading up to my birthday I had told my family all I wanted for my birthday was for the boys to do 65 pushups with me at our monthly Sunday dinner.
Of course anyone else that wanted to participate also would be welcome.
Three grand-daughters joined in the fun. 

Yes, the grass is kind-of dry looking....our area is having a severe drought so Bev and I have cut way back on our watering.

We had our normal Sunday dinner, then all the participants chose a place on the krinkly grass for the challenge.
I had a very hard time concentrating on my count and doing the pushups with two cute grand-daughters giggling right next to me!

 I really appreciate the family humoring me with the pushup challenge. 
I actually did tell them all I wanted was the pushup fest, but they still brought gifts.
Dinner was tasty, the company was enjoyable, and the 65 pushups?  Well....they were a piece of cake!

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