Brad, Mike, Quin & Theresa, Jared and I meet at the Chevron near Lehi, none of them have been to Ophir, so that's where we ride off to.

Ophir is a tiny town south of Tooele. Someone has put in a lot of time and money to spruce it up and add some really neat things to see. There is a mock up of the old town, and some mining type displays.

A double outhouse, the one on the bottom is for the miners, the one on the top is for the supervisors....
We stopped and chatted at one point, I told the group about my recent troubles at work, they seemed very understanding.
Or not.....

Some colors at Ophir.

At SR 73 we split up, Jared and Mike go south to Happy Valley, I go north to Grantsville, and snap some pics along the way.

Parking the bikes at the old school house in Ophir, those guys are looking at their GPSs trying to find Ophir....
Or not.....
Some colors at Ophir.
See the pole with the funny looking thing on top of it? They are all over Tooele county, I've always wondered what they were and now I know. It is a loud speaker, while we were there it came alive and tested the Tooele County emergency warning system. Wow that thing was loud! You can also see some of the mock town buildings.
The school bell.
The line up. L t0 R, Brad, Mike, Jared, Me, Quin, Theresa.
Mike and the Monster, his Kaw 2000. Can you say "Raw Power"?
After Ophir, Brad, Quin and Theresa have to get back to town, Mike, Jared and I decide to go down the road aways to another old ghost town, Mercur. This is what we find, a gate across the road. Oh well.
Riding back to SR 73
At SR 73 we split up, Jared and Mike go south to Happy Valley, I go north to Grantsville, and snap some pics along the way.
I stop and visit one of my favorite biker buddies; Ryker the biker! His Do-rag says; Keep on Riding! Ryker invites me in for a HUGE helping of his Mothers delicious spagetti!
I have a hard time saying good bye to 'the Biker and his parents so I have to ride the 40 miles home in the dark starry night.
And it IS a dark and starry starry night, but I have plenty of hope left inside so when I see a traffic pull off I stop to reflect on the beautiful day I have just enjoyed.
Nice friends, nice roads, nice bikes, all in all, a nice day!
A few days later, Ryker the biker comes over to my house to help me with some chores..
Life IS good!
Wow, sounds like a great ride. I notice there are still leaves at the trees?
Good weather, good company, and a good ride. What else can one ask for?
Life IS good!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Riding Year.
We did this ride last October, I just wanted something a little more cheerful than the last post so I finished this one and put it here!
Merry Christmas to you and all my blogger friends!
Wonderful ride report! Sonja said it well, good ride, good friends, a good helper with the chores :)
Wishing a very Merry Christmas to your and yours
And what bike is Ryker the Biker getting for Christmas? It looked like a great day. I'm glad to hear it was an October ride because you guys seemed woefully underdressed for this time of year. LOL. -Lori
I wished we had these abandoned towns up here to explore. It did look like a good day for a ride.
Merry Christmas to you
Wet Coast Scootin
blue - Thanks, he is a good helper!
Lori - I'm not certain what Ryker is getting, I'm always as surprised as the kids are when they open their gifts from me.... :)
bob - C'mon over and I'll show em to you!
Merry Christmas y'all!
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