Time for another Hoover's burger run. Cavehamster, Roboshaw, and I take the scenic route to Elberta, then take the bikers shortcut thru Goshen, Nephi and onto hwy 28

"Amber waves of grain.."
At Hoover's...DesertDweller's wife like scones, so he sends her a pic when he eats one...

The group, three from Vegas; Vegashotwheeler, DesertDweller, RobStar. Three from Utah; Cavehamster, Robishaw, and Tombstone.

We had to take a look at the Hoover's cabins. We are planning a weekend rally at Hoover's Sept 24 - 26 Wanna come along?

A totally candid shot of Tombstone...

The view from the deck of one of the cabins.
Looks like you all had a great time! I wish I could have made it!
I had a great time as usual on this run.
Cant wait to meet again Sept. 24-26 and enjoy the Fall Colors
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